Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Character Analysis

Our film is about a girl who is abused verbally and physically (although this isn’t shown in the trailer, it is implied), and because of this, we decided to use the most stereotypical representations possible so that the audience would be able to have a better understanding of the characters involved.

The main character is a girl called Ella who is around 15-16 years old. In the beginning of the trailer she is being abused by her older boyfriend Ross and because of this we wanted to portray her as weak and vulnerable. In contrast to Ross, we want her to appear quite small, and in the first scene, she witnesses a flashback of Ross towering over her whilst she is sat down. This makes her appear defenceless whilst he appears in control.
Even when she finally gets up the courage to break up with her, he still appears in control of her, and at one point a high point of view shot is used as he is high up above her and she is on the ground below walking. As the camera is focused on top of her, she appears very small and weak, which contrasts Ross even more as it is his point of view and you know he is the one looking down on her.
Ella is the one who the audience will relate too as she is the weakest, and being female helps continue this further. People will feel sorry for her and will want her to escape from Ross which will hopefully draw them in and make them want too see it.

Ross is represented as tough and masculine who appears to have the power and control-something that is brought more to light when it is contrasted against Ella's weak and vulnerable character. He is a few years older than Ella and this is obvious in the way he acts as he appears the stereotype of an insecure powerful male who has the dominance in the relationship shown at the beginning.
The only time you get to see Ross is at the beginning during a flashback Ella is having of him being violent and agressive. This furthers the mysterious elements as, by not seeing him you are tapping into the mindset of Ella who, in some of the trailer is oblivious to the fact that he is there. It makes it appear more mystifying.

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